Tired Mouse

Tired Mouse

0 96
Tired Mouse Jokes Times

A mouse and a lion walk were in a bar, drinking a few beers when a giraffe walked in.

“Get a load of her” said the mouse, “what a babe!”

“Well, why not try your luck?” replied the lion.

So the mouse went over to the giraffe and started talking to her. Within five minutes they’re out the door and into the night.

The next day, the lion was drinking in the bar, when the mouse staggered in.

The mouse is completely worn out, and can hardly hold himself up.

The lion helped his pal up on to a stool, poured a drink down his throat and said, “What the hell happened to you? I saw you leave with the giraffe, what happened after that? Was she all right?”

The mouse replied, “Yeah, she was really something, we went out to dinner, had a couple of glasses of wine, and she invited me back to her place to spend the night. And oh, man! I’ve never had a night like it!”

“But how come you look like you’re so exhausted?” asked the lion.

“Well” said the mouse, “between the kissing and the screwing, I must have run a thousand miles!”


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