Status Update

A little old lady, calling Mount Sinai Hospital, says, “Hello, darling, I’d like to talk with the person who gives the information regarding your patients. I want to know if the patient is getting better, or doing like expected, or is getting worse.”
“Do you know the patient’s name and room number?”
“Yes, darling! She’s Sarah Finkel, in Room 302.”
“Oh, yes. Mrs. Finkel is doing very well. In fact, she’s had two full meals, her blood pressure is fine, her blood work just came back as normal, she’s going to be taken off the heart monitor in a couple of hours and if she continues this improvement, Dr.. Cohen is going to send her home Tuesday at noon.”
“Thank God! That’s wonderful! That’s fantastic, darling!… That’s wonderful news!”
“You must be a very close friend!”
“No, I’m Sarah Finkel in 302! Dr. Cohen doesn’t tell me shit!”