New Job Jokes Times

0 320
Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel director's office. "What is the meaning of this?" the...
New Horse Important Race Jokes Times

0 71
The horse's trainer meets the jockey before the race and says, "All you have to remember with this horse is that every time you approach...
Stupid Question at Airport Jokes Times

0 454
A man was at the airport checking in his baggage at the gate. When the airport employee asked, "Has anyone put anything in your...
Two Inmates in a Nut House Jokes Times

0 409
A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds, and he entered a patient's room to find his patient sitting on the floor,...
Arab Love Donkey Jokes Times

0 1214
One day an Israeli soldier at the checkpoint on the military highway addressed the Arab riding along on his donkey, his wife trudging along...
Instructions for Giving your Cat a Pill Jokes Times

0 99
Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on...