Chat Room Poem

Chat Room Poem

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Chat Room Poem Jokes Times

I was sitting in chat room,
Feeling mildly amused,
When I saw something strange,
That left me all confused.

Someone typed a word,
(As far as I could tell)
But I had never seen it.
What is an LOL?

Then the plot got thicker,
More words I didn’t know,
A person started typing,
The word LMAO.

I sat there in amazement,
I felt like a dumb toad.
Could it be, these people,
Were speaking in a code?

That’s when I looked closer.
And found the subtle clue.
I figured out this code
And I’ll share it now, with you.

LOL is three little words,
That seem, to me, quite shady.
Why would someone ever write
The words, “Lean Over Lady”?

LMAO, was more obscure,
It made me sweat my socks!
LMAO is a command,
Meaning, “Leave Me Alone, Ox!”

ROFL was harder still,
I found it rather sickening.
It’s a discreet way to say,
“Ready Only For Licking!”

I can’t believe that AOL,
Would let this code exhist!
To them I say, YOMSL
Meaning, “You’re On My Sh** List!”


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