Talking Dog
A man tried to sell his neighbour a new dog.
"This is a talking dog," he said. "And you can have him for five dollars."
Which Part?
Passenger: Will this bus take me to New York?
Driver: Which part?
Passenger: All of me, of course!
Marriage Prayer
On the night of their wedding, a young couple finally retired to their hotel room. After making her preparations, the bride came out of...
Modern Technology
A traveling salesman checked into a futuristic motel. Realizing he needed a haircut before his next day's meeting, he called down to the desk...
Pick Up Lines
1. I wish you were a door so I could bang you all day long.
2. (Lick finger and wipe on her shirt) Let's get...
Blind Boy
One night, a little blind boy's mother said to him, "Anthony, if you pray really, REALLY hard tonight, when the sun rises tomorrow you...