Monday, January 27, 2025

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Retired Engineer Jokes Times

There was an engineer who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical. After serving his company loyally for over 30 years, he happily retired. But the company in order to save money, didn’t pay him extra pension for his retirement.

Several years later, the company contacted him regarding a seemingly impossible problem they were having with one of their multi-million dollar machines. They had tried everything and everyone else to get the machine fixed, but to no avail.

In desperation, they called on the retired engineer who had solved so many of their problems in the past. The engineer reluctantly took the challenge.

He spent a day studying the huge machine. At the end of the day, he marked a small “x” in chalk on a particular component of the machine and proudly stated, “This is where your problem is.”

The part was replaced and the machine worked perfectly again. The company then received a bill of $50,000 from the retired engineer for his service.

The company demanded an itemised account for his charges. The engineer responded with a following invoice: Chalk: $1.00, Knowing where to cross an “x”: $49,000.

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The Princess Frog Jokes Times

A computer programmer happens across a frog in the road. The frog pipes up, “I’m really a beautiful princess and if you kiss me, I’ll stay with you for a week”. The programmer shrugs his shoulders and puts the frog in his pocket.

A few minutes later, the frog says “OK, OK, if you kiss me, I’ll give you great sex for a week”. The programmer nods and puts the frog back in his pocket.

A few minutes later, “Turn me back into a princess and I’ll give you great sex for a whole year!”. The programmer smiles and walks on.

Finally, the frog says, “What’s wrong with you? I’ve promised you great sex for a year from a beautiful princess and you won’t even kiss a frog?”

“I’m a programmer,” he replies. “I don’t have time for sex…. But a talking frog is pretty neat.”

Who Do You Think Jokes Times

During an auction of exotic pets, a woman who had placed a winning bid told the auctioneer, “I’m paying a fortune for that parrot. I hope he talks as well as you say he does.”

“I guarantee it, madam,” replied the auctioneer. “Who do you think was bidding against you?”

Getting To Know You Jokes Times

A man met a beautiful lady and he decided he wanted to marry her right away. She said, “But we don’t know anything about each other.” He said, “That’s all right, we’ll learn about each other as we go along.” So she consented, and they were married, and went on a honeymoon to a very nice resort.

So one morning they were lying by the pool, when he got up off of his towel, climbed up to the 10 Meter board and did a two and a half tuck gainer, this was followed by a three rotations in jackknife position, where he straightened out and cut the water like a knife.

After a few more demonstrations, he came back and lay down on the towel. She said, “That was incredible!” He said, “I used to be an Olympic diving champion. You see, I told you we’d learn more about ourselves as we went along.”

So she got up, jumped in the pool, and started doing laps. After about thirty laps she climbed back out and lay down on her towel hardly out of breath.

He said, “That was incredible! Were you an Olympic endurance swimmer?”
“No.” she said, “I was a hooker in Venice and I worked both sides of the canal.”

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Top 25 Explanations by Programmers Jokes Times

Top 25 Explanations by Programmers when their programs don’t work:

  1. Strange…
  2. I’ve never heard about that.
  3. It did work yesterday.
  4. Well, the program needs some fixing.
  5. How is this possible?
  6. The machine seems to be broken.
  7. Has the operating system been updated?
  8. The user has made an error again.
  9. There is something wrong in your test data.
  10. I have not touched that module!
  11. Yes yes, it will be ready in time.
  12. You must have the wrong executable.
  13. Oh, it’s just a feature.
  14. I’m almost ready.
  15. Of course, I just have to do these small fixes.
  16. It will be done in no time at all.
  17. It’s just some unlucky coincidence.
  18. I can’t test everything!
  19. THIS can’t do THAT.
  20. Didn’t I fix it already?
  21. It’s already there, but it has not been tested.
  22. It works, but it’s not been tested.
  23. Somebody must have changed my code.
  24. There must be a virus in the application software.
  25. Even though it does not work, how does it feel?

Top 25 Explanations by Programmers Jokes Times


Drinking at Work Jokes Times

0 78
The below are valid reasons as to why drinking should be allowed at work. If you use them wisely, you may even be able...
Frog Sound Jokes Times

Does Childbirth Hurt Jokes Times

Checkout Counter Jokes Times

Fingers Jokes Times

