Sunday, March 9, 2025

On a Lonely Island Jokes Times

A guy is stranded on an island with only a Doberman and a pig for company. There’s plenty of food and water, and the weather is beautiful, so he’s doing alright – but after a few months he gets lonely…

The pig starts to look more and more attractive – soft, pink flesh, round buttocks, etc. But every time this poor guy makes an advance towards the pig, the Doberman snarls at him and once almost bit his leg.

Very frustrating. One day the guy sees a speck on the horizon, so he swims out there and it turns out to be a dinghy, cast adrift, and in the bottom of the boat is a beautiful woman, unconscious. He drags her to shore and brings her into his hut and slowly nurses her back health.

Finally she is well enough to walk and she says to him “Thank you, thank you for saving my life. I don’t know how I can ever repay you. I’ll do anything for you, anything, just name it.”

The guy thinks for a minute and says, “Would you mind taking my dog for a walk?”

Vasectomy Jokes Times

A man goes into hospital for a vasectomy. When he wakes up he’s surrounded by several anxious looking doctors and asks nervously “Is there a problem?”

The head surgeon says gently, with tears in his eyes “I’m afraid so… I’m sorry but your notes got mixed up and we’ve given you a sex change rather than a vasectomy”

The patient is devastated and shockingly replies “Do you mean to say I’ll never experience another erection”
The surgeon pauses for a moment then says “Well, you might, but it won’t be yours.”

Nurse Goodtime Jokes Times

Lori, the pert and pretty Nurse took her troubles to a resident psychiatrist in the hospital where she worked.

“Doctor, you must help me.” she pleaded. “It’s gotten so that every time I date one of the young doctors here, I end up in bed with him. And then afterward, I feel guilty and depressed for a week.” “I see.” nodded the psychiatrist. “And you, no doubt, want me to strengthen your will power and resolve in this matter.”

“For God’s sake, NO !!!” exclaimed the Nurse. “I want you to fix it so I won’t feel guilty and depressed afterward.”

Zachary Disease Jokes Times

“Diane, I just don’t understand?! I don’t have a boyfriend or a husband, I can never get a date and guys just don’t seem interested in me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You know what”, her friend replied, “I know a Chinese doctor that can help you”. So, her friend gave her the doctor’s address and the next day she went to see him.

She tells the doctor what her problem was and he proceeded to give her instructions.
“Take off your crows”, the doctor says.

“What, what did you say?” she replied.

“take off your crows”, the doctor repeated, motioning for her to take off her clothes.

“Ok, now craw to the window”.
“What?”, she asks.

“Craw to the window” he said as he got down on all fours to show her what he meant.

So she crawled to the window.

“Now craw back to me” he says motioning her to come back.

“Ah-ha!”, he says, “I know what your problem is”.

“Well, doctor, what is it?” she says anxiously.

“You have Zachary disease”.

“Zachary disease, what’s that?” she asks.

“Well, your face looks Zachary like your butt”.

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High-tech Hot Tub Jokes Times

Three women — one German, one Japanese and a Hillbilly were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound.

The German pressed her forearm and the beeping stopped, the others looked at here questioningly.

“That was my pager.” she said. “I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.”

A few minutes later, a phone rang. The Japanese woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, “That was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.”

The Hillbilly woman felt decidedly “Low Tech”. Not to be outdone, she decided she had to do something just as impressive.

She stepped out of the sauna, and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her behind. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her.

The Hillbilly woman finally said, “Well, will you look at that, I’m gettin’ a FAX.”

The Horseless Cowboy Jokes Times

A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen.

He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling.

“Which one of you sidewinders stole my horse?!?!?” he yelled with surprising forcefulness.

No one answered.

“Alright, I’m gonna have another beer, and if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I dun in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas!”

Some of the locals shifted restlessly. The man, true to his word, had another beer, walked outside, and his horse has been returned to the post.

He saddled up and started to ride out of town. The bartender wandered out of the bar and asked, “Say partner, before you go… what happened in Texas?”

The cowboy turned back and said, “I had to walk home.”


Seeing Eye Dog Jokes Times

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A blind woman was out walking with her seeing eye dog when suddenly the animal paused and wet the woman's leg. Bending down, the blind...
You're Fine Jokes Times

Read the Chart Jokes Times


Brain Transplant Jokes Times

