Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Extra Water Jokes Times

An old bloke in the Northern Territory was showing some tourists how to top up a camel with water.

“That way,” he said, “You get an extra day out of them between drinks.

“As the camel bent down to drink, the bloke picked up two bricks and bashed them over the camel’s balls. The camel sucked in its breath and took on three days’ extra water.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” asked a tourist. “Nah,” replied the bloke. “Only if you get your fingers caught!”

Surprise Call Jokes Times

Bob’s just about to set off on a round of golf when he realizes that he forgot to tell his wife that the guy who fixes the washing machine is coming around at noon. So Bob heads back to the clubhouse and phones home.

“Hello?” Says a little girl’s voice.

“Hi, honey, it’s Daddy,” Says Bob. “Is Mommy near the phone?”

“No, Daddy. She’s upstairs in the bedroom with uncle Frank.”

After a brief pause, Bob says, “But you haven’t got an Uncle Frank, honey!”

“Yes I do, and he’s upstairs in the bedroom with Mommy!”

“Okay, then. Here’s what I want you do do. Put down the phone, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout in to Mommy and Uncle Frank that my car’s just pulled up outside the house.”

“Okay, Daddy!”

A few minutes later, the little girl comes back to the phone. “Well, I did what you said, Daddy.”

“And what happened?”

“Well, Mommy jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming, then she tripped over the rug and went out the front window and now she’s all dead.”

“Oh my god… And what about Uncle Frank?”

“He jumped out of bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out the back window into the swimming pool, but he must have forgotten that last week you took out all the water to clean it, so he hit the bottom of the swimming pool and now he’s dead too.”

There is a long pause, then Bob says,

“Swimming pool? Is thisĀ 854-7039?”

Deathbed Request Jokes Times

A man lying on his deathbed requested that his wife gather up all his money and place it in the attic. He would pick it up on his way out of this life.

Being the faithful, loving wife she had been for over 50 years, she did as she was told. Soon, the man died.

Weeks later, she remembered his request and went to the attic to see if he had followed through.

There, in the same place where she had left it, was the money. “I knew it,” she exclaimed, “I should have put it in the basement.”

Cross-eyed Rottweiler Jokes Times

A man took his Rottweiler to the vet and said “My dog’s cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?”

“Well,” said the vet, “lets have a look at him.” So he picks the dog up and has a good look at its eyes.

“Hmm,” says the vet, “I’m going to have to put him down” “Just because he’s cross-eyed?” says the man.

“No, because he’s heavy,” says the vet.

Fifty Years of Savings Jokes Times

The 75-year-old groom, with the young wife, caused a lot of attention as he checked into the resort hotel. The following morning, the old boy came strutting into the dining room, lookin’ great with a big smile on his face. He proceeded to order an enormous breakfast. He laughed and joked and was in obvious good spirits, whereas his young wife, who came into the room a half hour later, looked worn out. She ordered coffee in a voice so weak the waiter had to ask her to repeat the order.

The old man finished his breakfast, excused himself and left for their room.

This gave the waitress a chance to ask the bride, “Honey, I can’t figure it out. The old geezer, your husband, looks like a million and you look like two cents. What’s wrong?”

“That guy double-crossed me,” the bride said. “He told me he’d saved up for fifty years! And all the time I thought he was talking about money.

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The Bear and The Rabbit Jokes TImes

A bear is sitting in the middle of a forest taking the biggest shit of his life and feeling dam good about it.

He looks down and sees a rabbit dumping a load right next to him. The bear looks at the rabbit and says, “Hey, uhh Mr. Rabbit, uhh do you have a problem withthe shit sticking to your fur?” The rabbit shakes his head no and says, “Nope, never bothers me.”

The bear says, “Good!” takes the rabbit and wipes his ass with him and then tosses him aside. bear is sitting in the middle of a forest taking the biggest shit of his life and feeling dam good about it.

He looks down and sees a rabbit dumping a load right next to him. The bear looks at the rabbit and says, “Hey, uhh Mr. Rabbit, uhh do you have a problem withthe shit sticking to your fur?” The rabbit shakes his head no and says, “Nope, never bothers me.”

The bear says, “Good!” takes the rabbit and wipes his ass with him and then tosses him aside.


Airport Encounters Jokes Times

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I was in the airport VIP lounge in route to Seattle a couple of weeks ago. While in there, I noticed Bill Gates sitting...

Two Argument Tourists Jokes Times

Getting Married Jokes Times

